The 900 MHz (33cm) repeater is coordinated with SERA on 927.7250 with a -25Mhz offset.
(Pictures pending)
Running on DMR, TGIF. We are also experimenting with AX25, FM, and other modes.
The antenna is a no-name antenna at roughly 75′ high. I am currently running the LMR-400 feedline until I can secure more hardline. I’m running two Motorola radios, an MCS2000 (M01HX+914W) and an XPR5580 (AAM28UMN9KA1AN). The transmitter puts out 30w however there is some significant loss in the feedline.
It interfaces into an MMDVM repeater hat from Winters, BI7JTA.
And I built a custom interface cable to bridge each of the radios to the MMDVM board’s DB9 connector.
The duplexer is an EMR Corporation 66544/SND 894-960mHz 4-Cavity Pass Notch Duplexer that I found on ebay.