220MHz 1.25M repeater Daniel, July 26, 2024July 26, 2024 I’ll do a whole post with pictures at some point, but the 220 repeater has been running for several months. It’s coordinated with SERA on 224.500 MHz with a negative 1.6MHz offset and a PL tone of 71.9HZ.It started as two TYT-9000D mobiles but is now running on a Bridgecom.It’s running a 100w amplifier from Henry Radio Amplifiers the C100B10R which is 10w in and 100w out.The antenna is a Tri-Band Comet CX-333.I run everything in to a Triplexer so that I can run 2m, 1.25m, and 70cm.The antenna sits at a height of roughly 75′ suspended from an assembly that I ran up an oak tree in my backyard?It’s also running on a Clearnode as the repeater controller and is bridged in to Allstarlink, Echolink, and DMR on TGIF.Network talkgroup 358 (CSRA Talk).Allstar node: 608490Echolink: 602043 KK4CNM- 220mhz Allstarlink Clearnode Echolink Repeaters 1.25m220mhzallstarlinkanalog repeaterclearnodefm repeaterrepeater